At Chimera Editing we strive to make sure we match your needs with our services. To that end we offer multiple kinds of editing at every stage in the publishing process for those seeking traditional publishing or self publishing.

However, as everyone’s process and journey are different, we will gladly discuss with prospective clients where they’re at in terms of which service or services will better suit their needs. Free sample edits are available on request, of course!

Content Editing

We offer both big picture and developmental edits done to industry reader report standards, as well as first chapter line edits.

Sensitivity Reads

Readers need to be able to see themselves in the worlds writers create, and there’s a huge push to diversify our stories. It’s not a marketing tool, it’s a way to be a conscientious writer.


The dreaded synopsis! Whether you need your own synopsis critiqued and polished, or one written from scratch, we have options to make it easy for you!

Proof Reading & Copy Edits

Proof Reading and Copy Editing require a practiced skill set that differs slightly from developmental and content editors. This is usually done after content edits are complete, and will help make sure your work is as close to error free as possible!

Queries, Blurbs, and Contests

Getting ready for querying, submission, or even contests? We have options for queries, synopses, and pitches.


The last stage in preparing your book for publication,  formatting will make sure your novel looks exactly like you’ve always dreamed.

Don’t see what you were looking for? Please contact us to see if we can work something out.